An inclusive, non-diet approach to fitness.

► ANti-diet athlete coaching

Becoming a better athlete doesn’t mean becoming a smaller one at the expense of your physical and mental health. We can work towards building new goals and repairing your relationship with food and exercise in the process.

virtual anti-diet athlete coach

Using the intuitive eating model approach, anti-diet coaching is about centering your body and personal lived experience at the forefront of your fitness journey.

It’s about reconnecting with your body’s wisdom, and using that to your advantage (not your demise like some other health apps might want you to).

Hi, I’m Gabi!

…a runner, coach, and Intuitive Eating counselor in the Bay Area with many years of experience working in the outdoor industry.

I practice utilizing a non-diet lens to accommodate an inclusive range of bodies looking to build sustainable, and health promoting habits through supportive exercise and non-diet nutrition counseling. It's my aim to dismantle diet culture, and eradicate eating disorders in athletics so that we can finally reinvent what wellness should be.

I’m firmly anti-diet and think you should be too — because what fun is eating broccoli if you never get to have cake?

What’s Included?


    ➤ Structured training depending on individual goals

    ➤ Weekly cross training workouts

    ➤ Guidance around mobility, yoga, and active recovery

    ➤ Dedicated goal setting, mindfulness and visualization exercises

    ➤ Resources and support around non-diet nutrition counseling to support athletic training


    ➤ Structured weekly calls geared towards finding food freedom

    ➤ Utilizing gentle nutrition to help with performance and to support run/athletic training

    ➤ Baseline assessments to work towards understanding the principles of Intuitive Eating and how to begin incorporating each into your life

    ➤ Weekly "exercises" and prompts to work on based off of each weekly call


    A comprehensive coaching package that integrates both run coaching and counseling into a holistic approach to non-diet wellness!

Frequently Asked questions

  1. What is intuitive eating?

    Intuitive eating is a self care eating framework developed by co-founders Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. With over 200 studies to support the efficacy of intuitive eating as a self care modality, learning to eat intuitively is about reconnecting to your body’s innate wisdom and learning how to truly care for yourself from a place of love rather than punishment.

  2. What is the difference between mindful eating, and intuitive eating?

    While intuitive eating asks that you bring mindfulness into your mealtimes, the two practices are different! Intuitive eating is a model based upon 10 different principles to denounce diet culture and learn to trust your body fully. Mindful eating is a tool (mindfulness is a concept) in which one is able to reconnect with signals of hunger, and fullness.

  3. Will I lose weight when I eat intuitively?

    The journey of intuitive eating is to unlearn diet culture, and it’s weight centric approach to health and “well being.” Much like you wouldn't try to shrink your shoe-size, or punish yourself for being 5’7, your weight is, and should be thought of as the same. When one learns how to eat intuitively their weight might go up, it might go down, or it might stay the same, there is no telling what your body will do once it finds a stable, and well-nourished baseline.

  4. The idea of eating whatever I want sounds great, but I’m worried I’ll lose control and eat everything in sight.

    It makes perfect sense that you might feel nervous to fully trust your body if for so many years you’ve allowed a diet to tell you what you can, and can’t eat. Be gentle with yourself as you find your footing, and try to come with compassion. The idea of “loss of control eating” comes from parameters we set so rigidly in our minds (in this case around food). Let’s unpack what that means. Say for dinner every single night you eat two donuts because you’re allowing yourself the freedom to eat what was once a forbidden food. On the fifth or sixth night, do you think you will crave more donuts? Most likely the answer is, no! This is based on a principle in psychology called “systematic habituation,” a process by which confronting that which carries a lot of influence by slowly confronting it. The same goes with all foods. The more we grant ourselves permission to eat all foods (without condition) the easier it will be to listen to the signals our bodies are giving us through a practice called, attunement.

  5. Can I still desire becoming a faster, stronger runner, and learn to eat intuitively?

    Absolutely! My speciality as an anti-diet fitness coach is to help you reconnect with the reasons you love to move your body. So many athletes are stifling their athletic potential by not eating enough. When one learns to eat intuitively, their capacity for growth becomes unparalleled! A Ferrari won’t drive if it doesn’t have any gas.

If you have any other other questions I would be happy to answer them! Feel free to send me a DM on instagram or email me at